
Friday 1 October 2021

Astrobiology 2


Today I was learning about earths life forms and the astrobiology of aliens. If aliens could exist what kind of alien would you imagine.

Tuesday 28 September 2021

Diagram for Antarctica dry valleys and Mars


Today I was researching on a scientific topic, Comparism with Dry Valleys and Mars. It was really interesting reading about something like this. It was very interesting and a bit boring. I've always wanted to be a scientist, but when I read that article, it made me think life as a scientist is a bit more boring than I really thought it was. Anyway if you want to read that link got to top 7 science jobs and Alien dreams or Do aliens exist?

Monday 27 September 2021

Astrobiology Vocabulary


There has been Widespread speculation that he plans to quit.


He was intrigued by the unfamiliar plant towering over him.


Gerald was burned for heresy.


Venus is an inhabitable planet to live on.


Reports of travellers and missionaries described contemporary primitives.


The solar system orbits around the sun.


The snakes and worms are invertebrates.

Hell - bent 

She was hell - bent on going to university

Slap - bang

The parador is slap - bang in the middle of Alhambra

Buy into it

He was buying into the story that went viral



Today I was doing a rather hard piece of geometry. It took me a while to fully understand what I was doing, but in the end I think I got it right. It looked real hard at first but I managed to do it.

Monday 13 September 2021

Information report


Hello, I know it's been a while since I last blogged, so I decided to blog something I'm interested in. I'm interested in animals. I made an information report on endangered species, I only chose three species, cause there is no way I would want to write about alot of other kinds of endangered species.

Friday 3 September 2021

Lotto pie


Today I made a pie chart, about the past lotto numbers. I chose 6 lotto numbers, 7,8,12,14,28 and 33. I went back 3 days before to check the past lotto numbers.



Today Rm 9 has been given an inquiry task about Biosecurity. What is Biosecurity, you may ask? Well, Biosecurity is an organism. It's an organism to help animals, crops and plants. If you wish to make a drawing something like this then go to Biosecurity drawing document